DubsTech Protothon 2021
Apto is an application that helps people in long distance relationships facilitate meaningful experiences in a stress-free nature.

Choose from many different categories of activities to keep things interesting.

Swipe through your favorite activities with your partner until you match on one you both want to do.

Avoid disagreements about what to do or awkward silence.

Schedule events right after you match so you never lose track of time...or each other.

Stop plans from falling through because of the difficulty of planning around large time differences.

Save your favorite activities to come back to later.


The Creative Process

Role icon
  • UX Designer,
    UX Researcher
Calendar icon
  • Feb 13-14, 2022
Sparkle icon
  • 1st out of 55 teams for Valentine’s track

The Creative Process

The Valentine's Day track was to envision an experience that provides a fun engaging virtual valentine’s day experience for long distance couples bringing them closer together by heart.

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Identifying Opportunities

We first conducted secondary research to understand needs and frustrations of long-distance relationship couples. We looked through articles, subreddits, and blog posts that talked about what they missed and liked to do.

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Conducting User Research

We conducted several interviews and surveys with over 85 people in long-distance relationships to learn about their frustrations, motivations, and behaviors. After synthesizing our interview and survey findings, we were able to develop a persona.

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Translating Research Insights Into Designs

Our design decisions were based on addressing these three main pain points: wanting to avoid disagreements, wanting to continue to share unique & fun experiences, and Finding it hard to plan activities because of their time difference.

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Seeking Feedback and Making Improvements

We continued to refine our high fidelity mockups and prototype from every pixel to branding to user flow keeping this guiding question in mind: How might we provide ways for people in long-distance relationships to engage in meaningful, shared experiences in order to reduce friction in their communication?

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Presenting the Product

After pulling an all-nighter, we wrapped up our protothon by submitting our slide deck to the judges. We placed 1st place out of 55 teams for clearly addressing the prompt and pain points such as time difference, having a clean and simple interface, and creating an easy tool to integrate that allows flexibility.